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Jessie Wu
University of Toronto
Content Warnings: None

Thirst becomes hard to sate.

Beneath the sun, I forget my words. Skin glazed,

peeling at the corners; this is just to say—

love is but an aggregate.


Show me all your layers.

Forget daylight; bloom at night, where

your petals shine, incandescent and oblivious

to my desperate prayers.


I feel your obsessive gaze

stalking me hazily

through mazes of sunflowers.

Raze me and the dirt you crave—

I’ll forgive you by my grave.


My eyes still sting

from the intensity of your heat, 

let it pool in bittersweet

summer’s end; and I, disoriented,

burn when I see you, my friend.

Jessie Wu is a second-year student at the University of Toronto. When she's not working, she's either playing Genshin or sketching. She loves YA fiction and draws inspiration from lo-fi hip hop beats.

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