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Sunset ride to Hadestown

J. C. Burns

University of Iowa


The road stretched long towards home.

The dusk prolonged its blush and mood.

A crest of light would watch and brood.

The moon, our knight, our path he’d roam.


Could the sight in light be captured,

Before the night the scene it raptured?


Off in the distance red eyes would blink.

Inside our carriage Orpheus would sing

Of Hades, heavy, hard, the steel king.

Maybe he scarred the sky in pink.


Hades, a man of iron, cold intent

His flames failed him a heart of flesh.


The lyre did inspire sooth ailment

As we retired to the firmament.

J. C. Burns is a sophomore at the University of Iowa. He is pursuing a degree in English and Creative Writing along with a minor in History. When he is not thinking of stories he should write, he is hanging out with friends.

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