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  • lydia-hecker

The Tag-Team Writing Challenge

Let's face it, writing can be lonely (even when we don't want it to be). Wilder Things Magazine is here to offer an option to get out of your solitude-corner and know, like a so-called *shudder* normal person. But we're writers, so we're not going to go out and talk to people all willy-nilly now are we?

That's where we, dear readers, come in! Who better to introduce a tag-team challenge than the tag-team, dynamic duo web editors Tatum and Lydia?

Okay, okay, enough build-up. Let's get into what this challenge even entails so that you can go from THIS:

to THIS:

Step Number One: Find a Writing Buddy!

This is non-negotiable people! It's a tag-team challenge, so you need a team that you can tag! Venture into the real world and seek out a human. Preferably one with an interest in writing, but if you can convince someone not interested in writing to do this with you, then kudos!

But Lydia-slash-Tatum-slash-the best web editors EVER, I already have a writing buddy. What do I do now?

Great question! You've got your buddy (maybe through generous bribes of candy or maybe because you're more social than us), so it's time to move to...

Step Number Two: Make a Plan!

Wait! Isn't that your job, oh lovely web editors? Aren't you supposed to be the ones to guide us?

Good point! Let me rephrase...make a plan about your ambitions and goals with your writing buddy. Doing a group project, even one as fun as this *wink*, can build tension if communication isn't prioritized. Take a moment to set out some guidelines. How often do you want to work on this project (note that this project can be as long or as short as you want it to be!)? What kind of a commitment are you able to give to this challenge? Maybe write your goals down on a piece of paper and then compare with your buddy. Strike a balance.

For this challenge, please be open and kind with your writing buddy! 💖 Writing should be fun, not a chore. A big way to keep it that way is to respect each other's time, creativity, and energy.

Step Number Three: Begin the Challenge!

Alright, buckle up buckaroos. Here's the challenge:

Write two pieces (stories, poems, plays, what have you), but you'll be switching off with your writing partner every so often. Yes, that's vague, but that's because the timing is variable. For example, y'all can choose to go for every five minutes, two days, or thirty seconds! Whatever works best for you. If you're feeling spicy, you can even roll some dice to dictate how long your intervals will be! Switch it up and have fun with it!

The rules, stated plainly:

  1. You both will be writing at the SAME time (or for the same amount of time before switching, if you're working with online or timezone shenanigans).

  2. After the interval ends, swap pieces.

  3. Start the timer and write on the new piece until the timer ends.

  4. Repeat!

  5. If you feel like a piece is finished, you can start a new one! (This is also where those goals and ambitions you talked about earlier can come into play)

Are you going to partake in this challenge? Comment below! Feel free to tag us your pieces on social media, too!



Lydia + Tatum 💖

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